
Thursday, May 17, 2012


Just a little update on the status of our new social enterprise, Sew True Sewing Center - a triple bottom line sewing company - People, Planet, Profit
We have been busy visiting with workforce placement boards and many of our local economic development offices. Good news is that the state of CT has some wonderful funds in place to help us with employment (yeah!) but we still need funding from the private sector. 
For one, we could really use your vote for MISSION: Small Business, you can do that by clicking HERE and casting your vote for GG2g, CT, it only takes a moment! You must click the button "log in & support" to enter.
If you are interested in becoming a supporter or private partner of the sewing center please contact us directly by clicking HERE.
By scrolling down on this blog you can read more about what this center will be doing, how and why we are a social enterprise.
The photo that you see below will (hopefully!) be our future home in Bridgeport, CT. This building is currently under renovations by the owner and will be available for our occupancy by June. We will occupy the 2nd floor, with plans to expand to the 3rd by year 3. Stay tuned for AFTER photos!


Friday, January 6, 2012

Sew True Sewing Company

The journey continues...We have been to see nearly everyone and their brothers. While we were recently emboldened by receiving the Reset Social Enterprise Trust Award for our innovative business model we are humbled by the work ahead and quite honestly all the red tape. Fear not we shall persevere! This is after all "a new business model" not everyone is quite ready for it, but strides are being made on many fronts. California has announced the recognition of a new business entity and here in Connecticut, ReSet Social Enterprise Trust is trying to push through the same type of legislation. If you would like to learn more about what a social enterprise is just contact our friends at ReSet.